Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB)
About LAGB
The Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) is the leading professional association for academic linguists in Great Britain, and welcomes new members. Its scope includes all branches of linguistics – formal or functional, theoretical or descriptive, synchronic or diachronic, social or psychological (or neither), concerned with one language or many. Its members individually favour a wide range of different theories of language structure, and all theoretical persuasions are welcome.
The LAGB’s main activities are:
- Publication of the Journal of Linguistics, a highly respected international journal.
- An annual conference, which includes two invited overseas speakers of renown, a workshop, a language tutorial, a summer school and various specialist sessions, as well as papers reflecting a wide range of views and approaches.
- Representation of linguistics and linguists in matters such as research funding and quality assessment.
- Bridging the gap between academic linguistics and language education through the activities of the LAGB Education Committee. This committee organizes specialist Linguistics at School sessions at LAGB meetings, and maintains a glossary of grammatical terminology for schools.
- Maintenance of discussion forums for discussion of general issues.
LAGB Committee
LAGB is overseen by a Committee led by the President, consisting of:
- President
- Honorary Secretary
- Membership Secretary
- Meetings Secretary
- Treasurer
- Assistant Secretary
- Web administrator and External Relations Officer
- Representative from the Education Committee
- Chair of the LAGB student committee
Membership of LAGB
There are multiple membership options, depending on:
- waged/postgraduate/undergraduate status
- subscription to the Journal of Linguistics
- one year/three year or life membership.
(Delegates to the annual meeting do not have to be LAGB members to attend, but the conference fee for members is discounted.)
Benefits of membership
See also our page on what we do with your money. The benefits of membership include:
- A very low subscription rate for the Journal of Linguistics
- A 20% discount on OUP Linguistics titles.
- Up to 60% discount on various Elsevier titles.
- 30% off Bloomsbury Linguistics titles.
- 25% off Norton and Liveright titles (with free shipping) until 1st August 2020.
- Attendance without surcharge at LAGB conferences.
- Generous conference bursaries for student members.
- Full members are entitled to apply for a conference sponsorship when organising specialised conferences (up to £300).
- Student members are entitled to apply for student-conference sponsorships (up to £450 for cross-institutional conferences, and up to £300 for single-institution conferences).
- The right to vote on important business matters.
- Access to LAGB discussion forums.