Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA)
About PALA
PALA is an international academic association for those who work and research in stylistics, poetics, and associated fields of language and linguistics. Specific interests of PALA members include (in no particular order): narratology, literariness, literary linguistics, stylistics and pedagogy, critical discourse analysis, gender and writing, literary translation studies, linguistics and philosophy, metaphor, cognition, pragmatics, text linguistics, corpus stylistics.
PALA holds an international annual conference every July hosted by one of the members at their University and is the main event of the year for PALA and provides a great opportunity for members and others to present their latest research as well as enjoy a social occasion. The AGM takes place at the conference where members can be involved in decision making to shape the running and future of PALA and receive reports from the Committee on Treasury accounts, membership numbers etc.
PALA Committee
PALA is overseen by a Committee led by the Chair. The PALA Committee consists of:
Membership Secretary
Publicity Officer
Student Representative
Newsletter Editor
Editor of Language and Literature
Membership of PALA
There are two membership options:
- Membership only - £20
- Membership with Language and Literaturesubscription- £50
(Delegates to the annual conference do not have to be PALA members to attend. However, they are not able to take part in the AGM.)
Language and Literature journal (Sage)
The journal Language and Literature (Sage) is the associated journal for PALA and is published four times a year. Language and Literature is an international peer-reviewed journal that covers the latest research in stylistics, defined as the study of style in literary and non-literary language. The journal publishes theoretical, empirical and experimental research that aims to make a contribution to the understanding of style and its effects on readers.
Dr. Marina Lambrou
Chair of PALA, September 2020